Flight Instructor Refresher Course
Our next course begins April 29, 30, and May 1, 2025.
Join us for Professional Development of your aviation instructional techniques and renewal of your Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating. This Transport Canada approved three day course offers engaging and stimulating activities such as presentations, videos, group exercises, workshops, open discussions, role-playing, assignments and quizzes. Enhance your competencies as an aviation instructor as you actively participate in the professional development of your aeronautical knowledge, skills and attitudes during learner-centred instruction. Upon completion of one of these innovative and engaging training courses you will be more competent, confident, effective and safer as a pilot and as an instructor.
Our course manager, Bob Leroux, has over 30 years experience conducting Flight Instructor Refresher Courses, including overseeing the Flight Instructor Refresher Course Program for Transport Canada.
You can renew your Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 or Class 4 Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating by attending a Flight Instructor Refresher Course. Meet your peers and lean from each others’ operational experience. This course enables you to renew your flight instructor rating in a classroom environment rather than taking a flight test. The courses are usually conducted at Langley, BC at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, or elsewhere in the Vancouver area at a local hotel meeting room or other similar facility.
Scheduled Courses - Flight Instructor Refresher Course
Date | Category | Location | Venue | Fee | GST |
April 29, 30, and May 1, 2025 | Aeroplane | Langley, BC | Kwantlen Polytechnic University | $650 | $32.50 |
October 2025 | Aeroplane | Langley, BC | Kwantlen Polytechnic University | $650 | $32.50 |
Registration for our April 29, 2025 course will be open March 11, 2025. Seating is limited so be sure to register early to reserve your position on the course.
Click here to download a poster for the next course and be sure to share with your colleagues.
Click here to Register
Registration and Fees
Full course details and registration will normally be available two months prior to the scheduled course. Seating for these courses is limited so pre-registration and payment of the course fee is required to reserve your position on the course. Please be prepared with your pilot licence number, class of flight instructor rating and your valid-to-date.
Click here to Register and then pay $650.00 + $32.50 GST = $682.50 for your course in advance through Interact e-Transfer to info@navpath.com.
You may also attend, on a space available basis, and pay at the door through Interact e-Transfer to info@navpath.com, or with cash.
Who should attend?
Course participants will normally hold a Flight Instructor Rating, either Class 4, Class 3, Class 2 or Class 1, valid on the first day of the course to be eligible for renewal of their flight instructor rating.
You may be eligible for a 90 day extension of your flight instructor rating to enable you to attend the course and renew your rating; see CAR 401.06(3).
Please contact your local Transport Canada office for guidance on the extension process.
Successful completion of the course requires your attendance at all of the scheduled training sessions and your active participation in the learning activities. Upon successful completion of this course you will be issued a Course Completion Certificate which may be used for renewal of your flight instructor rating with Transport Canada for the full term, the same as if you had taken a flight test. If you would rather renew your flight instructor rating by means of a flight test in an aeroplane, NavPath Aviation will make the arrangements with our Pilot Examiner to conduct your flight test. The course is also ideal for flight instructors who are planning to upgrade to a Class 2 or Class 1 Flight Instructor Rating. We will help you to prepare for the additional privileges, duties and responsibilities of the higher class of flight instructor rating.
Additionally, the course is also suitable for those planning on obtaining an initial Class 4 Flight Instructor Rating and meet the requirements of Canadian Aviation Regulation section 421.69. Your attendance at this course will benefit you as a pilot and will lay the foundation for your future career as an instructor. If you hold a commercial pilot licence attendance at this course will count as part of your Transport Canada required ground school for your flight instructor rating. Be sure to bring along your Pilot Training Record and we will make an entry for 16 hours of ground school.
The fee for a person training to obtain a Class 4 flight instructor rating is greatly reduced from the regular price of $650 to only $500 plus GST! What a great way to begin your career as an instructor. Please register on-line then submit your course fee of $500 + $25 GST = $525 through Interact e-Transfer to info@navpath.com.
Other aviation instructors seeking Professional Development may also attend the course, such as flight instructors who do not require renewal of their instructor rating, instrument rating instructors, multi-engine class rating instructors, seaplane class rating instructors, simulator instructors, aircraft type rating instructors, ground instructors or aerobatic flight instructors. Other aviation instructors will find great value in attending one of these courses as well, such as instructors who normally teach in gliders, balloons, gyroplanes or ultra-light aeroplanes. Pilot Examiners are encouraged to make application to attend Flight Instructor Refresher Courses to keep abreast of new developments in pilot training.
All courses will include the following topics:
- Teaching Knowledge Requirements – Written Examination Results – Weak Knowledge Areas
- Teaching Flight Exercises – Flight Test Results – Weak Skill Areas
Courses will also include a sampling of the following topics:
- The Principles of Learning and the Techniques of Instruction – Flight Instructor Guide
- Managing Training – Supervision – Operational Control – Safety Management – Training Records
- Scenario-based Training – Developing Lesson Plans – Effective Use of Teaching Aids
- Human Factors – Threat and Error Management – Pilot Decision-making
- Preparing Students for Flight Tests – Flight Test Guides
- Aerodynamics for Flight Instructors
- Information Technology in Training
- Teaching Aircraft Systems
- Communication Skills
- Weather Briefings
- Medical Factors for Flight Instructors – CAME
- Insurance Considerations for Flight Instructors
- Teaching the Initial Class 4 Flight Instructor Rating
- Presentation Skills Workshop – Role Playing
Aeroplane courses may include
- Forced Landings
- Upper Airwork and Low Speed Manoeuvres
- Stabilized Approaches – TCH 50 – The Threshold Window
- Teaching Multi-Engine Rating and Instrument Rating
Training sessions will be presented by Subject Matter Experts who may hold a Class 1 Flight Instructor Rating, be a Pilot Examiner, be a Chief Flight Instructor, or have expertise in the subject matter being presented. NavPath Aviation instructors have been professionals in the aviation industry for many, many years and have varied experience and expertise in many fields including the following:
- Pilots and flight instructors on aeroplanes and helicopters
- Military pilots with experience in training and operations
- Corporate pilots and airline pilots with experience on domestic and international operations
- Lawyer with experience in aviation litigation
- Doctor authorized as a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner
- Inspectors with Transport Canada or the Transportation Safety Board
- NAV CANADA Operations Specialist
- Insurance specialist in the aviation industry
Reference Material
The following documents that pertain to your flight instructor rating should be reviewed and be available in class, either in paper copy or electronically. Most of the items can be obtained from the Transport Canada website at:
Getting trained as a pilot or crew member (canada.ca)
Flight Training Manual – Aeroplane
TP 13747E Stall Spin Awareness Training
Pilot’s Operating Handbook
Canada Flight Supplement
Requirements for Renewal
CAR 421.66 Renewal of Flight Instructor Rating
(1) An applicant for renewal of a Flight Instructor Rating – Aeroplane or Helicopter shall have the rating provided that the applicant:
(amended 1999/03/01)
(a) successfully completes a flight test for the appropriate flight instructor rating;
(amended 2000/09/01)
(b) successfully completes a flight instructor refresher course, in which case the rating shall be renewed from the date of the last day of the course. When the last day of the course is within 90 days of the valid to date of the existing rating, the renewed rating shall be valid to the same date as if the refresher course was completed during the month prior to the valid to date of the existing rating; or
(amended 2000/09/01)
(c) in the previous 24 months, has acquired at least 300 hours of flight instructor experience and had, in this period, at least 80% of candidates recommended for the applicable flight tests pass on the first attempt. The renewal shall be based on no fewer than 5 flight tests.
(amended 2000/09/01)
(d) When an instructor flight test for the renewal or upgrade of a flight instructor rating is conducted within the 90 day period prior to the valid to date of the existing rating, the renewed rating shall be valid to the same date as if the flight test was done during the month prior to the valid to date of the existing rating.
(amended 2000/09/01)
(2) Where the applicant has renewed the instructor rating twice consecutively by means other than a flight test, the next renewal shall be through successful completion of a flight test for the appropriate flight instructor rating.
(amended 2000/09/01)
Advisory Circular 421-001 Flight Instructor Refresher Courses – Aeroplane and Helicopter
5.14 Instructor Rating Renewal
(1) The instructor rating renewal is not an automatic process following the completion of the course. For each completion certificate, the course provider will also provide two signed certified copies to the participant.
(a) The participant has to send one certified copy with the application for renewal and the fee ($30) to the applicable Transport Canada regional office.
(b) The application form can be found with this link: http://www.tc.gc.ca/wwwdocs/forms/26-0083e_0712-03_e.pdf
(c) Only the part A of the form needs to be filled and signed.
(2) For instructors whose instructor rating will expire soon after the completion of the course, the second certified copy could be kept and be used as proof of temporary privileges for 90 days following the date of the signature of the Course Manager.
(3) An application for renewal for a flight instructor rating based on your successful completion of a flight instructor refresher course will be accepted by Transport Canada where:
- A course completion certificate was issued within the preceding 90 days.
- The flight instructor rating was valid on the first day of the course, and
- The course is for the same category as the instructor rating held.
(4) A flight test is the only option if:
- The flight instructor rating has expired
- The previous two renewals were through a means other than a flight test; or
- The instructor is undergoing follow-up action with respect to their flight test record (421.67).
(5) Renewal will be based on the last day of the course. When the last day of the course is within 90 days prior to the valid to date of the existing rating, the renewed rating is valid to the same date as if the refresher course was completed during the month prior to the valid to date of the existing rating.
(This provision allows a flight instructor to renew a couple of months early and not lose any period of validity of their rating. It is OK to attend a course several months, or years, prior to the present validity date; then the rating will be renewed based on the last day of the course.)
(6) A flight instructor rating – aeroplane – aerobatic must be renewed by means of a flight test.
Cancellation Policy
To reserve your position on the course you must register and pay the course fee in advance.
Navpath Aviation reserves the right to cancel any course and those registered will be notified of any cancellation more than 14 days prior to the first day of the course. Where a course is cancelled by NavPath Aviation, all course fees paid will be refunded.
Where a person is registered and paid for a course and is then unable to attend the course, they must notify NavPath Aviation by email at info@navpath.com, or by telephone at 778-565-4544. When so notified, refunds will be processed after the course in accordance with the following policy:
- Where the person cancels more than 14 days prior to the course, there will be a $50 cancellation fee and the remainder of the fees paid will be refunded.
- Where the person cancels within 14 days and up to 7 days prior to the course, there will be a 50% cancellation fee and the remainder of the fees paid will be refunded.
- Where the person cancels within 7 days prior to the course, there will be no refund.
We look forward to seeing you in class!
Course Manager: Bob Leroux
Class 1 Flight Instructor, Pilot Examiner and former Inspector with Transport Canada
… it’s an attitude!