Aviation Training Solutions
As your Aviation Training Specialists we focus on providing you with engaging and innovative Aviation Training Solutions to build your
aeronautical knowledge, skills and attitudes.
NavPath training courses can be tailored to meet your specific operational needs. Our training services are frequently conducted at the many airports near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. For training at your location please Contact Us directly to make arrangements that suit you best.
The items below outline our services and by selecting “learn more” you will be provided with detailed information on how we can help you.
Flight Instructor Refresher Course – Aeroplane
Professional development for aviation instructors and renewal of your rating. Learn and share with your peers.

GPS and Advanced Avionics Training – Ground and In-Flight
Hands-on scenario-based training for Garmin GPS and advanced avionics. Practical and Operational.

Flight Test Services in Piston and TurboProp Aeroplanes
Our Pilot Examiner conducts all aeroplane flight tests for initial and renewal of pilot licences and ratings.

Recurrent Training Program for All Pilots
Meet the 24 month recency requirements of CARs section 401.05.

Restricted Operator Certificate-Aeronautical
We conduct the training and are authorized by Industry Canada to conduct the examination for the ROC-A.

GPS Tracking, SOS and 2-way Global Satellite Communicator
The Garmin inReach SE features real-time flight following & Bluetooth to your cell phone for interactive texting.

We also offer consulting services to the aviation industry with a focus on Air Operator Certification and Pilot Training.
You can find us on Facebook to keep up-to-date on the latest happenings at NavPath Aviation Ltd.
Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.
Join the CANADA 150 celebrations for the Canadian Confederation Sesquicentennial Anniversary on July 1st, 2017
We are planning a trip this summer across the country from coast to coast. Visit our website at www.canada150flight2017.ca for full details.
We look forward to seeing you in class!
Chief Instructor: Bob Leroux Class 1 Flight Instructor, Pilot Examiner and former Inspector with Transport Canada
… it’s an attitude!